Shane Beijing’s Xmas Party!

sesb-xmas-party-2014Students and teachers had a great time this Christmas at Shane English School Beijing, and even their families joined in the festivities! 

Groups were divided according to age range: 3 – 5 year olds joined the Baby Group, 6 – 9 year olds joined the Childrens’ Group, and those over 10 years old joined the Youth Group. Our hardworking teachers brought out the games they had prepared, and families enjoyed well-known games such as “Pass the Parcel”, and lesser-known games such as “Santa Dress-Up Relay”… 
Songs such as “The Twelve Days of Christmas” were also sung.

The kids all joined our Christmas lottery and got party packs, after which, it was photo-time! 
Along with all the teachers involved, organisers Andrew and Emma deserve a pat on the back for a thoroughly successful day.